Invasive ductal carcinoma prognosis
At last, scientists from the United States managed to open a unique RNA marker that can accurately predict the survival rate in patients who suffer from breast cancer. The experts were able to detect 37 RNA molecules, which are connected with the overall survival rate. Experts from the Center for Cancer Research at Ohio University conducted an analysis of large amounts of data from a map of the genome of cancer, as well as data 466 patients, what is the most common type of breast cancer - an invasive ductal carcinoma.As it turned on, most of the genes included in this prognostic marker RNA, had never been associated with breast cancer. He also helps to predict the survival rate of patients suffering from breast cancer. Once this token contains genes which are involved in tumor cell growth cycle. Mounted RNA marker allows accurately predict a positive outcome of the treatment of breast cancer, especially good performance, if the disease the patient is in the early stages.
What are the types of breast cancer:
- Ductal carcinoma in situ
- Lobular carcinoma in situ
- Invasive ductal carcinoma
- Invasive lobular carcinoma
- Breast cancer with signs of inflammation
- Cellular cancer
- Mucinous carcinoma
- Papillocarcinoma
- Metaplastic carcinoma
- Onkogigienicheskaya prevention
- Biochemical prevention
- Medical and genetic prevention
- Immunobiological prophylaxis
- Endocrine-age prevention
It is highly recommended visiting the doctor mammology (a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands) regularly, but not less frequently than once a year! Every woman is younger than 40 years, pregnancy, during breastfeeding, you need to undergo regular screening. Breast cancer screening will allow time to detect the problem and solve it with minimal intervention. Please not miss the opportunity to make a diagnosis in time, it will give you an excellent chance for the future life! Women who are over 40 years old must undergo mammograms each year.
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